Wristbands! The Holiday of Hanukkah – TrendyWristbands

Wristbands! The Holiday of Hanukkah

The holiday of Hanukkah is known as the Festival of Lights. There are eight nights and days celebrated symbolizing the burning of the oil which was supposed to last one day but ended up lasting the eight days. The holiday is celebrated by lighting one candle of the menorah each night, eating specialty foods such as doughnuts and latkes and playing festive games such as dreidel. (Wikipedia- Hanukkah)

Hanukkah is celebrated differently throughout the world. There are many customs and rituals present. Many will attend festivals to celebrate this holiday as well as family gatherings. After lighting the menorah, gifts are exchanged. Typically, there should be a gift exchanged for each night of Hanukkah which amounts to eight gifts. Another tradition of this holiday is the distribution of chocolate gelt which means money in Yiddish (https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/hanukkah-2017/). Hanukkah wristbands can be used in order to celebrate this holiday as well. Metallic silver and metallic blue wristbands can be used as the festive colors which symbolize the 8 days and nights on Hanukkah.

We offer different size wristbands. We have the ¾” Tyvek fiberband which has a uv blacklight feature. These wristbands wouldn’t be able to be duplicated which makes them more secure. For the holiday season, we are offering holiday wristbands with various imprints. We are offering a star of David, a menorah, a dreidel etc. Also, we can offer custom printed holiday wristbands with the name of your event or your company name with the different holiday logos. Celebrate this year and make it memorable with Hanukkah Wristbands.

Hanukkah wristbands

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